In late 1637, the new Sweden Company sent out its first expedition to America to establish a Swedish presence in the New World. Sailing in two ships, the Kalmar Nyckel and the Fogel Grip, the expedition landed near this site in March 1638. Under Peter Minuit’s leadership, Fort Christina was erected to protect the new settlement. Named after Queen Christina of Sweden, the fort was home to approximately 25 colonists. It was the first permanent European settlement in what is now the State of Delaware. Fort Christina served as the new colony’s administrative and commercial center as the Swedes expanded their influence throughout the Delaware Valley. Known as New Sweden, the colony was conquered by the Dutch in 1655 before the English took over the region in 1664. Today, the City of Wilmington traces its roots from this first settlement of the Swedes.
Installed in 2008.
State of Delaware Historic Markers Program, 2008
1110 E 7th St. Wilmington, DE 19802
Ft. Christina Park
Related Topics: Delaware Valley, First Settlement Delaware, First Settlement of the Swedes, Fogel Grip, Fort Christina, Historic Location, Historical Markers, Historicl Markers, Kalmar Nyckel, Landing of The Swedes, New Castle County, New Sweden, Peter Minuit, Queen Christina of Sweden, Swedish Colony, Wilmington