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The Industrial Accident Board was created in 1917 to hear and settle disputes regarding employee compensation for injuries obtained on the job; and in so doing maintain records of its proceedings; and issue subpoenas and administer oaths.1 The seven members of this original board were appointed by the Governor for a term of six years.2 In 1959, the Board dropped to three members.3 When the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations was created in 1961, the Industrial Accident Board and all its records, property and personnel were transferred to and included within the Department as a constituent Board therein. The Board remained a separate division within the Department continuing to perform the functions and discharge the duties it always held.4 In 1970, the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations was abolished and the Department of Labor created in its place. The Industrial Accident Board was again transferred to the Administrative, ministerial fiscal and clerical functions of the Board were given to the Division of Industrial Affairs within the Department of Labor. 5

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1. 29 D.L. , ch. 233.

2. 19 D.C. , ch. 21.

52 D.L. ,ch. 56.

4. 53 D.L. , ch. 259.

5. 57 D. L. , ch. 571.
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