Date Posted: Friday, May 25th, 2018

On Saturday, June 2, 10:30 a.m., Lucas R. Clawson will present a program at the Delaware Public Archives about the Du Pont Company and its role during the American Civil War. Du Pont was the nation’s most prominent black powder manufacturer on the eve of the conflict between the North and the South. When fighting […]

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Date Posted: Thursday, March 29th, 2018

On Saturday, April 7, 10:30 a.m., the Delaware Public Archives will present a program titled “The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” in remembrance of the 50th anniversary of his assassination in 1968. Presented by Rev. Dr. John Moore, Sr. this program will focus on Dr. King’s life from his youth in Georgia, his […]

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

On Saturday, March 3, 10:30 a.m., the Delaware Public Archives will celebrate Women’s History month by hosting a presentation titled “Silent Sentinels.” This program, presented by Dr. Cynthia Newton of Wesley College, will focus on women in history who exercised political power before they legally had any political rights. She will discuss historical examples, such […]

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 25th, 2018

On Saturday, February 3, 10:30 a.m., the Delaware Public Archives will celebrate African American History Month by hosting a program titled “The Tuskegee Airmen.” During the Second World War, a question was raised and answered conclusively in a military initiative that later became known as the “Tuskegee Experience.” Our nation’s first African-American military aviators, the […]

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 21st, 2017

In 2017 the Delaware Department of Transportation celebrated 100 years of service to the residents of Delaware and all who travel through the First State. On Saturday, January 6, at 10:30 a.m. Jennifer Cohan, Secretary of Delaware Department of Transportation will present a program at the Delaware Public Archives focusing on the first 100 years […]

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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

 On Saturday, November 4, at 10:30 a.m. Bill Hutchison of the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation will present a program at the Delaware Public Archives focusing on how the Kalmar Nyckel operated, with special emphasis on the navigation of the vessel, and the firing of the ship’s guns. Segments of a new film about the ship will […]

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

On Saturday, October 7, 10:30 a.m. Kevin Barni, Historical Marker Program Coordinator at the Delaware Public Archives, will present a program at the Archives about the importance of cemetery research. Both professional and amateur genealogists have spent countless hours documenting local cemeteries. Their contributions provide insight on the people interred there, and the visible landscape. […]

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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

On Saturday, September 2, 10:30 a.m. historian Kim Burdick will present a program at the Delaware Public Archives about Delaware during the American Revolution. How did Delawareans react in 1777 when an invading British army of 17,000 soldiers landed near Delaware at the Head of the Elk River to march to Philadelphia? What strategic maneuvers […]

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 26th, 2017

On Saturday, August 5 at 10:30 a.m., Certified Genealogist Michael Hait will present a program at the Delaware Public Archives that will focus on the basics of ‘genetic genealogy’ as a way to supplement one’s traditional research and break through brick walls. This presentation will include details on Y-DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and autosomal DNA research. […]

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Date Posted: Friday, June 30th, 2017

Many people have experienced injuries while at the workplace. These maladies could be anything from getting a papercut while filing paperwork, having back strains from lifting a heavy box, or even getting the dreaded Carpal Tunnel from typing on a keyboard for too long. Then again, most of these injuries occur in the modern day […]

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