The Delaware Archaeological Board was created in 1953 to consist of seven members, one each from the following organizations: the Public Archives Commission, the Delaware State Museum, the Archaeological Society of Delaware, the Sussex Archaeological Association, the University of Delaware, the State Board of Education, and the State Highway Department. All members were appointed by the Governor for a term of four years. The Board’s purposes were to sponsor, encourage, engage in and direct fundamental research and investigation into the State’s archaeology; to cooperate in the excavation of State owned historical sites; to protect and encourage the preservation of pre-historic sites on private lands; to retrieve and protect archaeologically significant objects from public construction sites; to cooperate with and assist the University of Delaware and other public institutions in the preservation of their artifacts; to furnish exhibit materials documenting the State’s archaeological history to the Delaware State Museum; to furnish exhibits and instruction materials regarding the early life of native Delawareans to private and public schools; to co-operate with other states engaged in archaeology and prevent them from exploiting Delaware’s; to publish research reports; and to enforce the rules, regulations, and laws it considered necessary to formulate regarding archaeological sites.1 In 1970, all powers, duties, and functions of the Board were transferred to the newly created Division of Archives and Cultural Affairs within the Department of State.2
1 49 D.L., ch. 232.
2 57 D.L., ch. 570.
jmm/April 23, 1988; May 2, 1988; June 1, 1989
Related Topics: Delaware Archaeological Board