On Saturday, January 4, 10:30 a.m., President Robert Clark of Wesley College will speak at the Delaware Public Archives on the role of Submarine Operations during World War II. Some of the most dangerous and clandestine assignments of the war were carried out by submarines. Warfare commanders became experts in anti-shipping, mining, insertion/support of Special Forces, intelligence & warning, search & recovery, anti-submarine warfare, and reconnaissance that helped turn the tide of the war in both the Atlantic and Pacific. President Clark will reflect on how the lessons learned almost 80 years ago are still applied today and are the foundation of the current submarine force culture.
Robert E. Clark II became the 17th President of Wesley College on July 15, 2015, after 32 years of distinguished service in the United States Navy’s Submarine Force, including spending the last five years of his military career serving in senior executive roles at two of our nation’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning. Most recently, he served as the Joint Service Coordinator at the Pennsylvania State University. Holding the academic rank of full professor, he oversaw and coordinated a myriad of issues and efficiencies between the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs and Penn State.
Prior to Penn State, President Clark served as the 84th Commandant of Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. He served in that position for just over three years from April 2010 until May 2013, becoming the longest standing Commandant in the Naval Academy’s history. During his 32 years of operational military service, President Clark served in some of the most challenging and highest visibility positions in the Submarine Force, including Commodore of Submarine Squadron FOUR, Commanding Officer of the nuclear-powered submarine USS CONNECTICUT (SSN 22), and Executive Assistant to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations.
The program is free to the public and will last approximately one hour. No reservations are required. For more information, contact Tom Summers (302) 744-5047 or e-mail thomas.summers@delaware.gov
Related Topics: First Saturday Programs, World War II, WWII