“We, the deputies of the people of the Delaware state……………fully, freely and entirely approve of, assent to, ratify, and confirm the said Constitution”
And with those words on December 7, 1787 at Battell’s Tavern in Dover, Delaware ratified the Federal Constitution and became the first state in the new nation.
There are many activities to commemorate this important day. For instance, did you know that there is a competition for 4th graders put on by the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs?
The Department of State has a website devoted just to Delaware Day.
The governor will sign a proclamation declaring December 7th as Delaware Day. This has been a tradition since 1933 when Governor C. Douglass Buck first proclaimed December 7th as Delaware Day.
Here at the Archives we have the original records that made us the first state. In addition to the Ratification Document, we have the receipts for expenses, petitions, and letters. You can view some of those original records by visiting our “Becoming the First State- Delaware’s Road to Ratification exhibit in the Digital Archives. You can also view our YouTube video to learn more about the document itself.
To see pictures of past Delaware Day celebrations, click the Delaware Day album on our Facebook page.
Related Topics: 4th grade competition, Battell's Tavern, Delaware Day, Golden Fleece Tavern, Ratification Document