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In May of 1939 an act to facilitate the cooperation of the State of Delaware with other units of government and to establish an unpaid commission for that purpose was created as the Delaware Commission on Interstate Cooperation.
The commission consists of nine regular members, namely three members of the Senate Committee on Interstate Cooperation; three members of the House Committee on Interstate Cooperation; and three members of the Governor’s Committee on Interstate Cooperation.
The Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives function during the interim periods between sessions.
It is the function of this commission to carry forward the participation of this state as a member of the Council of State Governments; to encourage and assist the legislative, executive, administrative, and judicial officials and employees of this senate to develop and maintain friendly contact by correspondence, conference, and otherwise, with officials and employees of the other states, of the federal government and local units of government and to endeavor to advance cooperation between this state and other units of government whenever it seems advisable to do so by formulating proposals for, and by facilitating (a) the adoption of compacts, (b) enactment of uniform or reciprocal statutes, (c) adoption of uniform or reciprocal administrative rules and regulations, (d) informal cooperation of governmental officials and employees with one another, (e) interchange and clearance of research and information, and (f) any other suitable process.
The commission establishes delegations and committees to confer and formulate proposals concerning effective means of securing intergovernmental harmony. Upon approval from the commission, the members of each delegation of committee appointed by the chairman of the commission. The commission can provide other rules it considers appropriate concerning the membership and the functioning of any delegation or committee.
The committees and commission established by this act are informally known as the Senate Cooperation Committee, the House Cooperation Committee, the Governors Cooperation Committee, and the Delaware Cooperation Committee.1
The Delaware Commission on Interstate Cooperation participates in INCODEL (RG 0903), was instrumental in the establishment of the Water Pollution Control Commission (RG 1623) and monitors legislation on such things as wildlife, hunting, and fishing.2

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1 42 DL, ch. 202.
clf; September 13, 1988