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ADVISORY COUNCIL ON THE NEEDS OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN It is the obligation of the State of Delaware to provide educational and training opportunities for all of its children. By 1957 it was apparent that certain children of limited ability and certain others of more than usual ability were not receiving an adequate education.1 The Governor responded by appointing an advisory council to assist the State Board of Education and other state agencies with the needs of exceptional citizens.2 The State Board of Education, with the advice of the council, makes and adopts rules and regulations for the education, training, and transportation of handicapped, gifted, and talented children.3 The State Board of Education and the local school boards provide and maintain, under appropriate regulations, special classes and facilities whenever possible to meet the needs of all handicapped, gifted, and talented children recommend for special education or training who come from any geographical area within the state.4 The rules set forth by the State Board of Education provide the criteria by which identified handicapped persons, aged four through twenty, are assigned to a public school facility, or if otherwise eligible for admission, to an institution of another state agency.5

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1 51 DL, ch. 287.
2 14 Del. Code, Section 3111.; 64 DL, ch. 63, ss 3137; 62 DL, ch. 411.
3 51 DL, ch. 287.
4 Ibid.
5 61 DL, ch. 190, part one; Minutes, 1972-1974. clf; September 13, 1988; November 9, 1988; January 3, 1989; February 23, 1989