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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "William Penn"

Penn Farm

The 112-acre Penn Farm is the last surviving farm of the 1,068-acre New Castle Common. William Penn, Proprietor and Governor of Pennsylvania, made his warrant in writing under his hand and seal in October 1701, granting the New Castle Common “to lye in Common for the accommodation of the Inhabitants of the Town of New […]

Landing Place of William Penn

NC-25: Near here October 27, 1682, William Penn first stepped on American soil. He proceeded to the fort and performed Livery of Seisin. “He took the key, thereof,. . . . We did deliver unto him 1 turf with a twig upon it, a porringer with river water and soyle, in part of all”. Installed […]

What Is A Hundred?

Have you ever looked at your deed and seen the term hundred? Have you ever wondered what that meant?  A couple came in after they had purchased their new house. They were curious what the term Appoquinimink Hundred meant on their deed. The term hundred originated in England and is defined as a division of a county. It is different than […]