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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Social History"

Nanticoke Post #6

SC-114: In 1926 a group of local World War I veterans held a meeting in Burton’s Hardware Store for the purpose of organizing an American Legion Post in Seaford. The initial effort was unsuccessful, but later that year plans were revived and Nanticoke Post No. 6 received its charter. In 1934 members constructed the present […]

Dover Light Infantry Kent County, Delaware Militia, 1776-1777

KC-A9: The Light Infantry Company of Dover, a part of the 1st Battalion of Kent County, mustered in on 2 April 1776. Each militia volunteer was uniformly armed, equipped, and wore a standard military coat of green faced with red lapels, cuffs, and collar. From 14 December 1776 to 14 January 1777, Captain Thomas Rodney, […]

Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A. M.

NC-214: Chartered on June 24, 1765 by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania A.Y.M., Lodge No. 5 at Cantwell’s Bridge (later known as Odessa) became the first Masonic lodge established in Delaware. The lodge was admitted to membership under the Grand Lodge of Delaware in January, 1816. Lodge No. 5 moved to Middletown in 1822 and […]