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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Odessa"


Indian Village Appoquinimi. Part of large grant to Alexander D’Hinoyossa, Vice-Director of New Amstel. Edmund Cantwell, second owner of tract, 1673. Village named Cantwell’s Bridge 1731. Once important grain shipping centre. Named Odessa, 1855, after Russian grain port. NCC-18: Installed in 1932. Marker Photo Gallery: Resources Related to Odessa: Location: 412 North 6th Street, Odessa, […]


RG #5200   The early 1800s Located on the Appoqinimink Creek, Cantwell’s Landing was one terminus of a portage road on a route established in the seventeenth century to provide access from the Delaware Bay to the Chesapeake Bay. The landing and the nearby village of Cantwell’s Bridge were named for Edmund Cantwell who settled […]

Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A. M.

NC-214: Chartered on June 24, 1765 by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania A.Y.M., Lodge No. 5 at Cantwell’s Bridge (later known as Odessa) became the first Masonic lodge established in Delaware. The lodge was admitted to membership under the Grand Lodge of Delaware in January, 1816. Lodge No. 5 moved to Middletown in 1822 and […]

Old Drawyers Presbyterian Church

NCC-153: The history of this congregation may be traced to the 1670s when Dutch and Swedish members of the “Reformed Church” were gathering locally for worship. By the first decade of the 18th century, the settlement of persons largely of Scottish descent resulted in the formal establishment of a congregation in the area then known […]

Old St. Paul’s Church

NCC-147: In 1831, a Methodist Society was organized in this community. The congregation was incorporated as Cantwell’s Bridge Methodist Episcopal Church in 1832. A small meeting house known as “Brickbat Church” was subsequently constructed on land provided by Joseph C. Griffith. Desiring a larger place of worship, construction of the present building was initiated in […]

Odessa Photograph Exhibit

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