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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Notable Person"

Governor John Collins

SC-67: Governor John Collins was born on March 1, 1776 in Nanticoke Hundred on his family farm at Collins Mill Pond. Collins, a member of the Democratic-Republican party, served as Delaware’s 22nd Governor from January 16, 1821 until his death on April 16, 1822. In addition to his public service, Collins operated a bog iron […]

Captain Jonathan Caldwell

KC-17: This farm, formerly known as Burberry’s Berry, was home of Captain Jonathan Caldwell of Colonel Haslet’s Regiment in Revolution. Tradition says Delaware soldiers received name “Blue Hen’s Chickens” from Caldwell’s men having with them game chickens, celebrated in Kent County for their famous fighting qualities, the brood of a certain blue hen. Installed in […]

John Dickinson 1732-1808

NCC-A4: Nearby is grave of John Dickinson, Lawyer, Scholar, and Statesman. Member Colonial Assemblies of Delaware and Pennsylvania and Legislative council of Delaware State. Delegate from Pennsylvania to Stamp Act Congress. Representative in Continental Congress from Pennsylvania and Delaware, and President of both states. Signer for Delaware of Articles of Confederation. Member from Delaware and […]

Governor David Hazzard

SC-176: Born on May 18, 1781, to John and Mary Houston Hazzard, David Hazzard, like his father, engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits, going on to serve as local magistrate and an officer in the State Militia during the War of 1812. He was elected Governor of Delaware in 1829. His term was marked by […]

Gravesite of Bishop Peter Spencer and His Devoted Wife, Annes

NCC-84: Born a slave, Bishop Peter Spencer was the father of Delaware’s independent Black church movement. In 1813, he founded the Union Church of Africans, presently known as the African Union Methodist Protestant Church. The mother AUMP church stood on this site from 1813 to 1970. The Union American Methodist Episcopal Church (UAME), formally organized […]

General Alfred T.A. Torbert

SC-96: Born in Georgetown on July 1, 1833, Torbert attended local schools prior to his appointment to the West Point Class of 1855. After the out-break of the Civil War he rose rapidly in rank, serving as a regimental and brigade commander of New Jersey troops, then as Commander of the 1st Cavalry Division of […]

Annie Jump Cannon

KC-119: Annie Jump Cannon (1863-1941), a prominent astronomer who pioneered stellar classification, observed her first stars from the roof of this house. Cannon, who was legally deaf, graduated valedictorian from Wilmington Conference Academy, now Wesley College, in 1880. She continued her studies at Wellesley College and Radcliffe Women’s College at Harvard. While working at the […]