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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "House of Worship"

Site of Carlisle African Methodist Episcopal Church

KC-132: In 1849, Caper and Leah Carlisle deeded a quarter-acre of land to Meeting House Trustees Jacob Allston, Peter Carlisle, James Collins, Perry Hawkins, and Nathaniel White. The Carlisles and the trustees were part of a free African American community located nearby at Cassons Corner. A wood-framed church was built on this site after 1849 […]

Slaughter Neck United Methodist Church

SC-115: The history of this congregation can be traced to the early days of Methodism in this country. In 1777 a group of area residents gathered at the home of a “Mr. Shockley” to organize a local Methodist “Society.” While visiting in July 1779, Methodist pioneer Francis Asbury noted the rapid growth of the congregation […]

Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church

NCC-A10: Organized about the year 1769. Early meetings held in Academy Woods, Gilpin’s Wharf, and Thelwell’s School. Church built 1789. Dedicated by Bishop Francis Asbury. Here is buried Allen McLane, Lieutenant in Caesar Rodney’s Regiment 1775; of Dragoons 1777; Leader of charge taking Paulus Hook (Jersey City) 1779; Major in Washington’s Army at Yorktown 1781 […]

Holy Trinity Church

NC-A1: In 1368 a colony from Sweden landed at “The Rocks” nearby. There they built Fort Christina, worshiped therein until 1667, and then built a log church at Cranehook on south side of Christiana River. In 1698, inspired by their Pastor, Eric Bjork, they erected Holy Trinity Church. The tower was added in 1802. The […]

Site of Reynold’s Church

SC-222: On October 14, 1869, a group of local residents gathered for the purpose of organizing and electing trustees for a Methodist Protestant church near Reynolds Mills. The following month, land was obtained to serve as a site for a house of worship. Construction was completed in 1870, but the building was destroyed by fire […]

Blackwater Presbyterian Church

Sponsors: The Honorable Shirley Price, Delaware House of Representatives, 2004 SC-190: In the 17th century, the colony of Maryland was founded as a refuge for Catholics and members of other religious faiths then subject to persecution. Many of the early settlers of this region, then a part of Maryland, were Presbyterians who had been denied […]

Prince Georges Chapel

SC-118: Before the settlement of the boundary dispute between Delaware and Maryland, this area was considered to lie in Maryland. On July 5, 1755, responding to the request of members of the Church of England residing in the upper portion of Worcester Parish, the Maryland Assembly enacted legislation authorizing the purchase of land and construction […]

Zion African Methodist Episcopal

KC-110: The roots of this congregation can be traced to 1845, when a group of local residents met to formally organize Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church. With several churches established in the area by free African Americans during the mid-19th century, the town of Camden became an important stop on the Underground Railroad. Trustees of […]

Murderkill / Motherkiln Friends Meeting

KC-090: By 1712, Quakers of the Religious Society of Friends met “at the widow Needham’s at Murderkill Creek,” later establishing as Motherkiln Preparative Meeting. Circa 1760, a meetinghouse was constructed on this site. The structure burned soon thereafter, and for a time the Friends debated locating to a site near Tidbury Creek. A brick meetinghouse […]

Morning Star Institutional Church of God in Christ, Inc.

KC-82: In 1856, the trustees of Whatcoat Methodist Episcopal Church purchased this site from Thomas Mifflin. The present church was erected thereafter and dedicated on July 26, 1857. Extensive renovations of the structure were undertaken in 1865 and 1940. The building was expanded with the addition of a nine-room educational annex in 1948. The Whatcoat […]