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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "General George Washington"

Site of General Weedon’s Foray at Spring Grove

On September 8, 1777, General George Washington and his Continentals were pursuing British forces headed north along Limestone Road to seize Philadelphia following the Battle of Cooch’s Bridge. General George Weedon advanced his Continental brigade to a hillside east of Mill Creek at what is now known as Spring Grove. British forces advanced to the […]

Washington’s Reconnaissance

NCC-53: Generals Washington, Greene, and Lafayette came to Iron Hill, August 26, 1777, in hope of viewing British Army then landing along the Elk River. Only a few tents could be seen. A heavy storm coming up, they spent the night in a nearby farm house. Installed in 1932. Sponsors: Historic Markers Commission, 1932 Marker […]

Washington’s Earthworks

NCC-33: From September 4-9, 1777, approximately 11,000 men under the command of General George Washington encamped on the grounds of what later became Delcastle Technical High School. The American army occupied a strong defensive position on the east side of Red Clay Creek between Newport, Stanton, and Marshallton, and blocked the British army’s route to […]

Encampment of Continental Troops 1777

NCC-007: On December 21, 1777, Delaware and Maryland regiments consisting of 1,500 men under command of General William Smallwood, upon order of General George Washington, encamped in this vicinity to prevent occupation by the British forces and to protect American interests. General Smallwood would remain here several months. Installed in 1932. Reinstalled in 2023 Sponsors: […]

Colonel John Haslet

KC-A7: Presbyterian Minister, later practiced medicine. Member of Colonial Assembly. Member of Council of Safety, 1775. Commanded First Delaware Militia Regiment. This regiment reviewed in Dover, later joined Washington’s Army and fought in battles of Long Island and White Plains. It disbanded December 1776. Haslet continuing with Washington’s Army was killed Battle of Princeton, January […]

Dover Light Infantry Kent County, Delaware Militia, 1776-1777

KC-A9: The Light Infantry Company of Dover, a part of the 1st Battalion of Kent County, mustered in on 2 April 1776. Each militia volunteer was uniformly armed, equipped, and wore a standard military coat of green faced with red lapels, cuffs, and collar. From 14 December 1776 to 14 January 1777, Captain Thomas Rodney, […]

Hale-Byrnes House (aka: Meeting Place of Washington’s Officers)

George Washington’s “General Staff Headquarters” on September 6, 1777. Here Generals Washington, Lafayette, Wayne, Maxwell, Sullivan, and Greene planned defense of Wilmington. House built circa 1750 by Samuel Hale. Owner 1776 – Daniel Byrnes – a miller and preacher. Restored by Delaware Society for Preservation of Antiquities. Donated to State in 1971. NCC-50: Installed in […]