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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Frederica"

Small Manuscript Collections, Irons Family Papers, Steamboat Frederica

Charles Irons is a volunteer at the Bowers Beach Maritime Museum. His father was one of the watermen of Bowers Beach. Irons grew up in the prime of maritime fishing at Bowers Beach. This is a collection of manifests and receipts for the Steamboat (Steamer) Frederica. The Frederica and Philadelphia Navigation Company owned and managed […]

Barratt’s Chapel

KC-25: Erected on land deeded by Col. Philip Barratt, August, 1780. Here Thomas Coke, D.D. Representative of John Wesley, preached November 14, 1784, administering the Sacrament of Holy Communion for first time by a Methodist in America. With Francis Asbury planned organization of Methodist Episcopal Church, calling first conference to meet at Baltimore, December 24, […]

Barratt’s Chapel

KC-093: In 1778 a Methodist Society was organized in this area by Freeborn Garrettson. Desiring a permanent place of worship, the group constructed a brick “preaching house” at his location in 1780. The site was provided by Society member Phillip Barratt, and the building was named in his honor. On November 14, 1784, a large […]


RG# 6050   At a place where Spring Creek branched off the Murderkill River, a community called Johnny Cake Landing was established by the mid-eighteenth century and it became well known as a shipping and shipbuilding center. In 1772, land in this area was laid out into town lots, and by 1796, it was known […]