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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Edmund Cantwell"


Indian Village Appoquinimi. Part of large grant to Alexander D’Hinoyossa, Vice-Director of New Amstel. Edmund Cantwell, second owner of tract, 1673. Village named Cantwell’s Bridge 1731. Once important grain shipping centre. Named Odessa, 1855, after Russian grain port. NCC-18: Installed in 1932. Marker Photo Gallery: Resources Related to Odessa: Location: 412 North 6th Street, Odessa, […]

Edmund Cantwell

NC-19. Near this spot was the home of Edmund Cantwell, first sheriff of New Castle County 1672. Surveyor of many early grants. Here John Moll and Ephraim Herman, deputies of William Penn, met October 28, 1682, taking possession of the Lower Counties, now Kent and Sussex, by Act of Seisin, receiving “turf and twig water […]