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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "chapel"

The Holt Chapel

“The Holt Chapel in Wesley Junior College. The organ was dedicated on Mon., Aug. 17, 1942. Those taking part included the Revs. Dr. Walter A. Hearn, M. W. Marine, Earl J. Cummings, Ralph C. Jones and L. E. Windsor. An organ recital was given by Lester S. Bucher. The chapel furnishings and the organ were […]

Hughes’ Holiness Chapel

Hughes’ Holiness Chapel, located four and one-half miles beyond Hollandsville, was built in 1940. It is a frame building in a lovely grove and was originally built so that the sides could be thrown open in the summertime converting it into a tabernacle. The building will seat two hundred persons and all of the labor […]

The Chapel of St. Theresa

“The Chapel of St. Theresa, the Little Flower, R. C. On Feb. 11, 1927, St. Patrick’s Church purchased former public school No. 26 at 14th and Thatcher Sts. An addition was built to form a vestibule for the chapel. The first Mass was celebrated by the Rev. James L. McSweeney. A parochial school is conducted […]

Old College

NCC-A3: Erected 1833-1834 This building contained a chapel (called the Oratory) class, dormitory, dining, administrative, and student society rooms. Newark College, chartered February 5, 1833, opened its doors for instruction May 8, 1834. Name changed to Delaware College April 4, 1843. Willard Hall, first President of Board of Trustees; Rev. Dr. Eliphalet W. Gilbert, first […]