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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Booker T. Washington School"

Booker T. Washington School

KC-88: On November 13, 1922, 210 children and 6 teachers marched from two old school buildings located on Slaughter Street and Division Street to a new school for African-American students in Dover. Funding for the building was provided by the Delaware School Auxiliary Association, through the generosity of P. S. duPont. The school was named […]

Booker T. Washington School No. 109C

NC-145: Originally Installed in 2005.   Built in 1923 with funding provided by Pierre S. duPont for schools in Delaware, this school replaced New Castle’s first school for “colored” students that was built in 1867 on Williams Street. The Delaware School Auxiliary Association provided $23,405.97 to cover the entire cost of the land and the […]