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“Forrest Grove Seventh Day Adventist Church, Moors, is located four miles s. w. of Cheswold near Dinah’s Corner. This congregation was organized in 1896. Harriet E, Everett donated one-quarter of an acre of land on Mar. 6, 1896. The church was incorporated on Mar. 25, 1896. More land was purchased from Joseph Seeney on Oct. 4, 1900, and on Sept. 28, 1905, Fred H. Seeney donated additional land. As they observed Saturday as their Sabbath they would proceed with their usual occupations on Sundays. This aroused much resentment in the neighborhood and early in 1897 an organized effort was made to break up this desecration of Sunday. On May 26, 1897, two men were arrested for Sabbath breaking. They were fined $4.00 and costs or 24 hours in jail which they served.


The first church was built in 1915. This church was burned and the old district school was purchased and remodeled for church purposes. It is an attractive building, shingle-sheathed and is located in a fine grove of trees. In 1941, a day-school was opened in the church for the children of the congregation. In 1943, a new church was built and the first church is used exclusively for a day-school. There is a graveyard adjoining the church where at least one World War I veteran is buried.” (1)


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Text Source:

1. Frank R. Zebley, The Churches of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware, 1947, p. 206.

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