By the 1740s a ferry service was being regularly operated at this location by James Cannon. He was succeeded by his son Jacob, who constructed a much-needed causeway on this side of the river for the improvement of the family’s ferry service business. Threatened by competitors, Jacob’s widow Betty Cannon successfully petitioned the Delaware General Assembly in 1793 for “sole and exclusive” rights to the operation of the service. The ferry continued to be operated by members of the Cannon family until the mid-19th century. In 1883 the legislature authorized the county government to establish and maintain “a public ferry across the Nanticoke River at the place now known as Woodland, but formerly known as Cannon’s Ferry.” The Act further required “that all citizens of the State, with their teams, wagons, and carriages, shall be transported across said ferry at all times between sunrise and sunset, free of charge.” In 1935 the State of Delaware assumed responsibility for the maintenance of roads and the operation of the ferry. In 2008, a larger, modernized six car ferry was put into service. This new ferry was renamed the “Tina Fallon” to honor State Representative Tina Fallon, who faithfully served this area in the Delaware General Assembly from 1978 to 2006.


SC-227: originally installed on 1/31/2012


NOTE: “The Tina Fallon” State of Delaware Historical Marker (SC-227) replaced “Cannon’s Ferry” Marker (SC-062) when the Ferry was renamed in honor of Representative Fallon

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5126 Woodland Ferry Rd Seaford, DE 19973