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Jacqueline Ford Skinner was born on March 9, 1930, to parents Willard and Margaret Ford. She married Albert Skinner on April 18, 1953. Together they had three children. She is recognized for her lobbying efforts to expand the State Archives. Jacqueline was a founding member of START (Save Today’s Archives, Restore Tomorrow) History Committee. During her time with this committee, she collected 5,000 signatures on a petition to expand the Archives. She also founded a group called The Friends of the Archives, which monitored the progress and support efforts of the State Archives.

This collection includes photographs and documents honoring Jacqueline Ford Skinner for raising public and political awareness of the need for a safer and larger archive. Documents in this collection include a note of thanks from Governor Tom Carper, a Bronze Good Citizenship award and letter, tributes signed by Governor Ruth Ann Minner, Lieutenant Governor John C. Carney, Jr., Senator Thurman Adams, Jr., Secretary of State Bernard J. Brady, Senator Patricia M. Blevins, Speaker of the House Terry R. Spence, Representative Roger P. Roy, and JoAnn M. Hedrick. The collection also includes two signed and matted photos of Jacqueline with political figures.

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